Lecture Demos and Classes
Sharanya has been teaching dance for the last few years. She also promotes Odissi by lecturing about this ancient dance form. Classes are held regularly in Southern California, USA for classical as well as fusion and semi-classical styles.
Regular Odissi workshops conducted from 2005
Teach classes on a regular basis from 2008
Regular lecture demo on Indian dance as Miss Yorba Linda, 2010
Choreographs fusion and odissi regularly from 2005
Lecture demo and odissi presentations at several cultural forums in Chicago from 2002-2009
Choreographed and Director of dance for a musical called “Sinbad” in 2005
Lectured and choreographed dance at several UCLA events
Choreographed and conducted a lecture demo in the Norco High School cultural program, 2002
Performed and lectured on Odissi dance form at the Chinmaya Kashi Temple, Irvine Mandir, Santan Dharma Temple, Malibu Temple, California
Participated and lectured in Corona Library Folk dance festival
Presented a lecture/demo of Odissi dance at the Girl's Scout day camp in Orange County
Lectured and demonstrated at California State Fullerton University
Performed and lectured at Sonora high school as part of their India Study program